ONLINE TICKET SALES ARE HERE!!! Our online store can be found at: *tickets will be $5.15 for online sales… this helps us cover some of the fee for online sales. *Online sales will be shut down approximately 30-60 minutes prior to the drawing Wednesdays. *Tickets can still be purchased at the firehouse 6am-7pm daily and at Greenmount Bowl.
Current jackpot : $7,500
2/12/ 25 Drawing: #37 revealed the 8 of clubs $50 to the winner
2/5/25 Drawing: #54 revealed the queen of hearts $75 to the winner. 1/29/25 Drawing: #27 revealed the 6 of spades $50 to the winner. 1/22/25 Drawing: #15 revealed the king of diamonds $75 to the winner. 1/15/25 Drawing: #28 revealed the 6 of hearts. $50 to the winner. |